Junction boxes with fire resistant terminal blocks E30 - E60 - E90
Fire-resistant junction boxes are critical to keeping emergency electrical circuits running during a fire, so it is essential that they are classified following rigorous testing.
The classification according to DIN 4102-12 is divided into the categories "E30", "E60" and "E90", where the letter "E" denotes electricity and the number indicates the duration of functional maintenance in minutes during a fire. During the test phase, it is imperative that the junction boxes ensure the protection of the power lines, avoiding short-circuits and interruptions of the conductors.
The test according to the IEC 60331-1 standard guarantees a performance equivalent to the PH120 class of the EN 50200 standard. La specifica “PH120” indica una classe di resistenza al fuoco e funzionalità per i cavi elettrici, dove “PH” sta per “Prova in Forno” e “120” indica la durata in minuti della prova.
Power conservation is essential for the operation of safety devices such as fire alarm systems, emergency lighting and other critical devices in emergency situations.