Fire-resistant boxes E30 - E60 - E90

Firebox series fire resistant cassettes, certified in class E30, E60, E90 according to DIN 4102-12 allow you to ensure that critical services, such as emergency lighting and fire alarm systems, remain operational for sufficient time to organise fire rescue.
The boxes are made of Technopolymer Halogen Free and Steel, can be freely accessorized with single and double contact ceramic terminals, ceramic fuse holders and signal terminal blocks.

Fire-resistant junction boxes in technopolymer 830 °C 120' / 1000 °C 90' IP56
Fire-resistant junction boxes in technopolymer 830 °C 120' / 1000 °C 90' IP56
Product details
Fire-resistant junction boxes in steel 830 °C 120' / 1000 °C 90' IP56
Fire-resistant junction boxes in steel 830 °C 120' / 1000 °C 90' IP56
Product details
Fire-resistant ceramic branch terminals for power lines
Fire-resistant ceramic branch terminals for power lines
Product details
Fire-resistant ceramic fuse holder modular base
Fire-resistant ceramic fuse holder modular base
Product details
Fire-resistant ceramic fuse holder base
Fire-resistant ceramic fuse holder base
Product details
Fire-resistant branch terminal for signal lines
Fire-resistant branch terminal for signal lines
Product details